Modern Video Player for WordPress

Updates / Changelog

VERSION 11.36 [5.2.2025]

 - [UPDATE] dont query ad table if ads are not used

VERSION 11.31 [4.2.2025]

 - [FIX] Amazon addOn Cloudfront private key upload dir missing
 - [UPDATE] help guide on Cloudfront bucket policy

VERSION 11.26 [19.1.2025]

 - [FIX] jQuery sortable in admin

VERSION 11.17 [22.12.2024]

 - [UPDATE] offline image can be used with live streaming

VERSION 11.15 [18.12.2024]

 - [FIX] if autoplay in viewport was active, cliking on different video in playlist didnt work

VERSION 11.13 [10.12.2024]

 - [UPDATE] mobile layout improvements

VERSION 11.09 [28.11.2024]

 - [ADD] Global preview seek option per playlist

VERSION 11.04 [8.11.2024]

 - [FIX] adPlay event not fire with use ima loader

VERSION 11.01 [4.11.2024]

 - [FIX] statistics table error

VERSION 10.94 [24.10.2024]

 - [UPDATE] show vr mode option when adding 360 video to Folder media type and others

VERSION 10.92 [17.10.2024]

 - [FIX] advert seekbar not working for ad-pre
 - [FIX] advert volume button hides after first advert 
 - [FIX] CodeMirror missing from Global settings page
 - [UPDATE] show advert counter for multiple ads
 - [UPDATE] Google Drive api links to poster images and thumbnails changed to use api key
 - [DEPRECATED] old statistics

VERSION 10.715 [10.8.2024]

 - [UPDATE] compatible with Amazon AddOn 

VERSION 10.615 [5.10.2024]

 - [FIX] prevent skip mid adverts when using seek forward button

VERSION 10.6 [3.10.2024]

 - [UPDATE] WordPress latest compatibility

VERSION 10.5 [15.9.2024]

 - [UPDATE] added video selector in Gutenberg block

VERSION 10.47 [5.9.2024]

 - [ADD] cuepoints with javascript callback function

VERSION 10.45 [24.8.2024]

 - [FIX] delete ads from ad manager

VERSION 10.43 [20.8.2024]

 - [FIX] vast postroll not visible

VERSION 10.4 [10.8.2024]

 - [DEPRECATED] amazon S3

VERSION 10.37 [13.7.2024]

 - [UPDATE] statistics

VERSION 10.36 [9.7.2024]

 - [FIX] translation saving

VERSION 10.35 [2.7.2024]

 - [ADD] option to load folder of hls or dash media

VERSION 10.32 [30.6.2024]

 - [UPDATE] thumbnails preview seek auto responsive size

VERSION 10.31 [28.6.2024]

 - [UPDATE] shortcode generator

VERSION 10.3 [14.6.2024]

 - [UPDATE] more precise video total play time statistics

VERSION 10.28 [10.6.2024]

 - [UPDATE] compatible with Heatmap AddOn 

VERSION 10.27 [9.6.2024]

 - [FIX] playlist holder visible on start on some small screens if playlist closed
 - [FIX] pollux skin seekbar thumb position ios  

VERSION 10.25 [2.6.2024]

 - [UPDATE] social sharing add email, sms
 - [UPDATE] option to convert description url to links 

VERSION 10.22 [31.5.2024]

 - [FIX] disable to show subtitles on youtube default player when chromeless player is used

VERSION 10.21 [20.5.2024]

 - [FIX] preview seek auto on hls media type with mid advert

VERSION 10.2 [20.5.2024]

 - [UPDATE] compatible with Schedule AddOn 
 - [FIX] export / import playlist, remove user id 

VERSION 10.17 [19.5.2024]

 - [UPDATE] css improvements for theme conflicts

VERSION 10.15 [11.5.2024]

 - [FIX] subtitles on chromecast with encryption
 - [UPDATE] compatible with Modern Video Reel

VERSION 10.11 [6.5.2024]

 - [FIX] ios preloader visible on start above big play button 

VERSION 10.1 [14.4.2024]

 - [UPDATE] php 8.3 compatibility

VERSION 10.0 [9.4.2024]

 - [UPDATE] language translations added

VERSION 9.82 [30.3.2024]

 - [FIX] vimeo single video list not working

VERSION 9.81 [28.3.2024]

 - [UPDATE] compatible with Shelf Addon

VERSION 9.8 [22.3.2024]

 - [FIX] statistics play count if percent set to zero
 - [FIX] vimeo api next page results on total scroll

VERSION 9.79 [11.3.2024]

 - [UPDATE] youtube api improvements

VERSION 9.78 [26.2.2024]

 - [ADD] page scroll event for load more in grid layouts

VERSION 9.75 [25.2.2024]

 - [FIX] chromecast subtitles

VERSION 9.7 [16.1.2024]

 - [UPDATE] upload multiple videos at once in playlist manager
 - [ADD] option show video sort videos buttons above grid or player (latest / popular / oldest)
 - [UPDATE] option show date from now format in playlist items
 - [ADD] option to add custom buttons in player controls
 - [UPDATE] hide video title in fullscreen

VERSION 9.5 [28.12.2023]

 - [UPDATE] Youtube allow setting default language for subtitles on start
 - [UPDATE] when loading folder of videos, option to auto load video subtitles 

VERSION 9.45 [6.12.2023]

 - [FIX] skin aviva rewind, skip backward, forward button icons not working
 - [UPDATE] youtube live streaming

VERSION 9.4 [23.11.2023]

 - [ADD] navigator share

VERSION 9.39 [20.11.2023]

 - [FIX] Google Drive folder

VERSION 9.38 [31.10.2023]

 - [UPDATE] autoplay in viewport only loads video poster on page load 

VERSION 9.36 [21.10.2023]

 - [ADD] option to exclude Youtube shorts from showing 

VERSION 9.35 [19.10.2023]

 - [ADD] option to loop vast tag with pre ads indefinitely

VERSION 9.3 [12.10.2023]

 - [FIX] iphone playing vast twice before main video starts

VERSION 9.28 [10.10.2023]

 - [UPDATE] chromecast improvements

VERSION 9.26 [8.10.2023]

 - [FIX] access to the feature "xr" is disallowed by permissions policy
 - [UPDATE] skip empty vast when ima loader is not used 

VERSION 9.25 [19.9.2023]

 - [FIX] parsing vast file error depending on vast content

VERSION 9.22 [24.7.2023]

 - [FIX] statistics not show correctly in playlist manager
 - [UPDATE] playlist item content is now in order (title, date, description) so date if used in not shown under description in playlist items
 - [ADD] show view count in playlist items (this uses player own statistics, not statistics from Youtube or Vimeo)

VERSION 9.2 [6.7.2023]

 - [UPDATE] player markup is now generated internally
 - [ADD] stream video from a camera 

VERSION 9.03 [29.6.2023]

 - [FIX] block shortcode ad_id undefined

VERSION 9.02 [27.6.2023]

 - [FIX] user roles for playlist creation
 - [UPDATE] limit number of videos per playlist for user
 - [UPDATE] some statistics update

VERSION 9.0 [9.6.2023]

 - [ADD] allow users to create their own playlists 
 - [ADD] limit how many playlists and videos can user create 
 - [UPDATE] display video statistics per user
 - [ADD] add video to favorites for each user 
 - [UPDATE] track video watched percentage per user 

VERSION 8.71 [1.6.2023]

 - [UPDATE] display video subtitles in iPhone native fullscreen

VERSION 8.7 [30.5.2023]

 - [ADD] mobile compact playlist option

VERSION 8.6 [20.5.2023]

 - [FIX] transcript scrolls page 
 - [FIX] up next close button triggers next video
 - [FIX] skip advert button causing advert loading incorrectly  
 - [FIX] change video preloader which does not use css perspective because of flickering on safari
 - [ADD] mobile friendly scroll option for settings menu, transcript langauage menu, chapter menu
 - [ADD] option to synchronize transcript langauge with subtitles
 - [ADD] add keyboard info dialog in settings menu
 - [ADD] new keyboard action close dialog (info, share..) with escape key
 - [ADD] option to preserve playback rate when changing video  
 - [ADD] option to use global popup close button so it always displays above popup content on small screens 

 - [UPDATE] floating video top position 
 - [UPDATE] custom menu with call to action (playlist icons) in playlist items
 - [UPDATE] new zoom controls in settings menu

VERSION 8.37 [12.5.2023]

 - [UPDATE] swipe tolerance (minimum distance to trigger swipe)

VERSION 8.36 [4.5.2023]

 - [FIX] keyboard controls scroll page (spacebar, page up, down)

VERSION 8.35 [24.4.2023]

 - [ADD] auto open fullscreen on play click option
 - [ADD] inline adverts while video plays with user roles configuration

VERSION 8.30 [17.4.2023]

 - [UPDATE] debounce search
 - [ADD] export statistics to CSV

VERSION 8.27 [13.4.2023]

 - [UPDATE] prevent mobile hover for icons
 - [FIX] 360 virtual reality mobile sometimes now working

VERSION 8.25 [3.4.2023]

 - [UPDATE] option to insert your own preformatted title and description for playlist items and updated search

VERSION 8.21 [12.3.2023]

 - [FIX] amazon S3 private bucket not loading

VERSION 8.2 [6.3.2023]

 - [UPDATE] centered image annotations not to loose width on small screen 
 - [UPDATE] new improved keyboard controls
 - [UPDATE] chapters repeat, share buttons visible only on active chapter item (css change)
 - [ADD] popup advertisements on pause (any HTML content) individual or global (behave differently than annotations)
 - [UPDATE] choose between slide and alpha transitions in player (info, share, embed, playlist selector, chapter window, transcript)

VERSION 8.05 [1.3.2023]

 - [UPDATE] Vimeo api update

VERSION 8.04 [14.2.2023]

 - [FIX] playlist selector change playlist click inconsistent

VERSION 8.03 [12.2.2023]

 - [FIX] keyboard options not saving

VERSION 8.02 [2.2.2023]

 - [FIX] main video not playing after advert

VERSION 8.01 [30.12.2022]

 - [UPDATE] add video date (for playlist item content) when you upload mp4 video inside Playlist manager.

VERSION 8.0 [9.12.2022]

 - [FIX] some bugs with using search field and navigating between playlist items and transcript
 - [FIX] player shadow moved to inner element so its not visible until player loads 
 - [FIX] age verify screen would not show second time if we change video without interacting with age verify screen first
 - [FIX] active transcript item not selected on transcript language change
 - [FIX] AWS S3 not getting poster and thumb from folder
 - [FIX] if you copy embed url that already contains player query url parameters, they will get doubled
 - [FIX] Pagination items per page using Retrieve more limit    
 - [FIX] statistics not able to change playlist in dropdown
 - [ADD] loader for pagination grid
 - [ADD] option to pass Hls and Dash config parameters
 - [ADD] retrieve video title and description in your localized language for Youtube
 - [ADD] option to remember video quality across different videos 
 - [ADD] option to hide annotations on mobile
 - [ADD] option to advance to next video if current fails
 - [ADD] shortcode generator save quick shortcode values 
 - [ADD] playlist manager, added quick shortcode link to video
 - [ADD] option to change icons 
 - [UPDATE] converted to javascript (no jquery dependencies) 
 - [UPDATE] accessibility improvements on player markup (buttons and inputs for seekbar)
 - [UPDATE] option to add your own css to the player instead of player defined
 - [UPDATE] whatsApp share 
 - [UPDATE] added CSS container queries 
 - [UPDATE] added share and repeat buttons to chapter menu / window
 - [UPDATE] update to gtag analytics
 - [UPDATE] prevent seeking past mid adverts if havent already played
 - [UPDATE] added advert and chapter indicators to solo seekbar
 - [UPDATE] skin aviva & sirius, seekbar goes above controls on narrow screens to make room for other buttons
 - [UPDATE] embeded player is always 100% height of embedding container
 - [UPDATE] seekbar tooltip showing on mobile  
 - [UPDATE] choose swipe action  

VERSION 7.51 [22.11.2022]

 - [FIX] upload upload manager not working

VERSION 7.5 [16.9.2022]

 - [FIX] coming next video screen was visible even with single video in playlist
 - [FIX] if video autoplay was off, youtube videos would show youtube red play button on start instead of player play button  

 - [UPDATE] add private audio over Amazon S3 bucket
 - [UPDATE] option to remember playback position for all videos in playlist
 - [UPDATE] disable css hover styles for mobile
 - [UPDATE] show We are offline image when you are not streaming 
 - [UPDATE] added icon to unmute button
 - [UPDATE] apect ratio option active again
 - [UPDATE] some improvements for RTL layout
 - [UPDATE] option to use global keyboard controls
 - [UPDATE] embed copied text
 - [ADD] option to apply custom css globally to all players
 - [ADD] option to deactivate certain videos in playlist 
 - [ADD] transform video option with controls (zoom, rotate video and save state)
 - [ADD] set custom video end screen (show your own HTML and CSS after video ends)
 - [ADD] domain switch option, batch rename video urls in playlist (plus subtitles, thumbnails etc..)
 - [ADD] option to sort videos in playlist by most popular
 - [ADD] watch limit feature (disable video playback at specific time and show custom image with optional url)
 - [ADD] bottom seekbar when controls autohide
 - [ADD] option to add custom icons in playlist with url link attached to each

VERSION 7.31 [10.5.2022]

 - [UPDATE] thumbnail image not required for skip ad window
 - [FIX] vast non linear ads used without ima loader do not show

VERSION 7.3 [5.5.2022]

 - [FIX] chapter window close button not working
 - [FIX] tooltip sometimes wobbly
 - [FIX] restrict content header title missing from translation
 - [FIX] transcript header title language not updated on language change
 - [FIX] playlist button navigation css for buttons overwritten
 - [FIX] chapter window display in horizontal bottom navigation
 - [UPDATE] included video adverts into quick shortcode generator
 - [UPDATE] make playlist from folder of videos in custom directory on your server
 - [ADD] combine player ratio option (remove black bars around video in both player and playlist mode)
 - [ADD] playlist selector option in playlist (choose another playlist)
 - [ADD] option to auto advance to next playlist
 - [UPDATE] option to use default browser scrollbar in playlist

VERSION 7.16 [9.4.2022]

 - [ADD] specify global playlist lock video time for non logged in users

VERSION 7.15 [21.3.2022]

 - [FIX] fail to play next 360 video

VERSION 7.12 [21.2.2022]

 - [FIX] subtitle vtt will fail if it contains multiple newline breaks in a row
 - [UPDATE] option to activate cors on subtitles or chapters to load cross domain
 - [UPDATE] option not to pause video when click embed, share, video info...

VERSION 7.1 [22.1.2022]

 - [FIX] elements visiblity comparing video width, not whole container width when calculating what icons to show on different screen sizes
 - [FIX] You are watching resume screen (if already opened) stays visible after we click on another playlist item 
 - [FIX] letter n appears in page with skin pollux
 - [FIX] youtube / vimeo single video sometimes not loading on start
 - [ADD] option to load multiple vimeo single videos in one query
 - [UPDATE] "Activate When Parent Visible" changed to boolean 
 - [ADD] option to load Youtube and Vimeo video details without api key 

VERSION 7.06 [10.1.2022]

 - [FIX] seekbar position not updating when keyboard controls are used to seek and video is paused
 - [FIX] export feature not working in some cases (Read-only file system in plugins directory) 

VERSION 7.05 [2.1.2022]

 - [FIX] export / import sometimes not working when wp prefix is different

VERSION 7.01 [25.12.2021]

 - [FIX] on clear statistics, clear visible data without page refresh
 - [FIX] some annotation data not saving

VERSION 7.0 [17.12.2021]

 - [FIX] quickly opening between share / embed / info window could leave video playing in the background
 - [FIX] setting link on video advert pause opens url link twice  
 - [FIX] adsence data not saved in admin
 - [FIX] player description breakpoint not saved
 - [FIX] using search field in playlist scroll to playlist top when videos are filtered
 - [UPDATE] specify video quality for mobile for self hosted videos
 - [UPDATE] include video adverts in custom shortcodes
 - [UPDATE] simplify data-path for adverts
 - [UPDATE] option to load subtitles, chapters cross domain
 - [ADD] video embed screen (embed single video or whole playlist)
 - [ADD] age verification screen for video
 - [ADD] transcript window showing all subtitles (change language + search function)
 - [ADD] chapter window showing all chapters (alternative to chapter menu, + search function)
 - [ADD] statistics add graph for total plays last month
 - [ADD] statistics choose percent of the video watched to count as played
 - [ADD] show top plays statistics per country, show play data for each user 
 - [ADD] option to exclude specific videos from showing in Youtube or Vimeo feed (channel, playlist ..etc)
 - [UPDATE] option to specify midroll adverts start time in percentage 
 - [UPDATE] option to specify adverts skip time in percentage  
 - [ADD] support for IMA, VAST, VMAP, VPAID, SIMID 

VERSION 6.20 [2.11.2021]

 - [ADD] play videos from OneDrive (single or folder)

VERSION 6.16 [29.10.2021]

 - [UPDATE] option to load folder of 360 videos, google drive folder of 360 videos, amazon s3 folder of 360 videos
 - [FIX] watched percentage on runtime not updating

VERSION 6.16 [9.10.2021]

 - [FIX] previous chapter button showing always

VERSION 6.15 [20.9.2021]

 - [FIX] audio ad not showing image poster if set
 - [FIX] Apple IOS remember playback position time
 - [ADD] option to show chapter title in player top left 
 - [ADD] previous chapter button in controls
 - [ADD] Amazon S3 support with private buckets with presigned url 
 - [ADD] translate backend with textdomain  

VERSION 6.11 [13.8.2021]

 - [FIX] changing height of the vertical playlist when its below the player not working
 - [FIX] display poster on mobile active on desktop as well
 - [ADD] AirPlay support 

VERSION 6.1 [30.5.2021]

 - [UPDATE] support for clicktag ads during video playback
 - [FIX] local subtitles for live streaming (hls, dash)
 - [FIX] if autoplay in viewport unmutes video with user page interaction, mute icon is still showing in player controls   
 - [ADD] next chapter button 
 - [UPDATE] clicking chapter menu will auto start video with "show Controls Before Video Start" option 
 - [ADD] Chromecast support 
 - [UPDATE] PHP 8 compatibility 

VERSION 6.05 [28.4.2021]

 - [UPDATE] Show poster on pause works with autoplay true (when poster is not shown on start)
 - [ADD] load Google Drive folder of videos

VERSION 6.0 [14.4.2021]


 - [FIX] live streaming video quality menu duplicating on select
 - [FIX] audio not playing on ios
 - [FIX] audio visualizer disabled on ios and poster is used instead
 - [FIX] apmvp_video shortcode not working
 - [FIX] restrict download button on click scrolling to page top
 - [FIX] up next thumb time not registered
 - [FIX] global (per playlist) lock video time 0 not recognized 
 - [FIX] if main video had poster, poster was shown when main video resumed playing after mirroll ad finished
 - [FIX] thumbnail hover preview using only preview from active video for all playlist items
 - [FIX] watched percentage not updating live with player type lightbox
 - [FIX] prevent custom context menu over player video description
 - [UPDATE] when description over thumbnail is used, playlist position vertical right / bottom will automatically switch style description over thumbnail / description right of thumbnail for best visual appearance
 - [UPDATE] thumbnail hover preview can be gif or a small video
 - [UPDATE] limit playlist description text has been changed to number of lines to show instead of number of characters. 
 - [UPDATE] option to remember last used subtitle
 - [UPDATE] searching for videos in playlist will only play videos found by search
 - [UPDATE] chapter title moved below preview seekbar thumbnail
 - [UPDATE] show video poster before asking for password protected videos
 - [UPDATE] improvements on Sirius skin, gradient added below controls to better emphasize controls above the video
 - [UPDATE] add media type "custom" can now be added as HTML directly in admin (using external file is still available option) 
 - [UPDATE] new keyboard controls selector and keyboard controls only active when cursor above the player (now working with multiple players in page) 
 - [UPDATE] watched percentage now works with anonymous shortcodes
 - [UPDATE] new grid layouts
 - [ADD] mid-roll advert coming in... 123 seconds message
 - [ADD] support for vr stereoscopic videos 
 - [ADD] shortcode generator with all attributes for the player
 - [ADD] quick shortcode generator for video (or multiple videos) 
 - [ADD] when adding video in Playlist manager, option to add video to multiple playlists at once
 - [ADD] option to use PerfectScrollbar instead of mCustomScroll in playlist 
 - [ADD] pagination inside admin Edit playlist section (video list)
 - [ADD] audio slideshow as alternative to audio visualizer while audio plays
 - [ADD] allow only logged in users or specific user roles to view video without ads 
   [ADD] option to prevent user from seeking into not yet watched part of the video

VERSION 5.16 [19.2.2021]

 - [FIX] youtube not autoplay after we click resume screen
 - [FIX] vimeo default player not resume after we click resume screen
 - [FIX] youtube, vimeo single video use without api not saving
 - [FIX] video advert ending causes link to open if set on video

VERSION 5.15 [7.2.2021]

 - [FIX] add url to image ad not working
 - [UPDATE] annotation shown by default on small screen or when player is small in size ( can be adjusted in responsive breakpoints section ). 

VERSION 5.12 [22.12.2020]

 - [ADD] auto generate video thumbnails for videos uploaded in WordPress
 - [FIX] live stream video quality change
 - [FIX] Android click unmute button pauses video 

VERSION 5.11 [03.12.2020]

 - [FIX] vimeo player parameters incorrect
 - [FIX] playing videos from new grid skin not working 

VERSION 5.1 [18.11.2020]

 - [FIX] global settings not detected when standalone shortcode was used
 - [FIX] lock video user roles bug
 - [ADD] live video thumbnails for html5 video
 - [ADD] option to show video title above the player

VERSION 5.07 [26.10.2020]

 - [FIX] swipe not working
 - [FIX] subtitles not visible when video has advert

VERSION 5.07 [24.10.2020]

 - [FIX] 360 video not pannable when used as advert

VERSION 5.06 [20.10.2020]

 - [UPDATE] improvements on embedding multiple players

VERSION 5.05 [18.9.2020]

 - [UPDATE] some database improvements

VERSION 5.02 [28.8.2020]

 - [FIX] navigation type (scroll, buttons, mouse move) missing from admin menu in Edit player section

VERSION 5.02 [13.8.2020]

 - [UPDATE] rename category/tag, prevent duplicate
 - [UPDATE] "Activate When Parent Visible" specify selector
 - [FIX] password field input not working

VERSION 5.01 [18.7.2020]

 - [FIX] statistics finish count not working
 - [UPDATE] play 360 video from hls or dash source

VERSION 5.0 [10.7.2020]

 - [FIX] javascript to footer not working with multiple players in page
 - [FIX] vimeo download video not working  
 - [FIX] playlist position grid / wall description style below thumbnail not working
 - [FIX] youtube playback rate not working 
 - [FIX] annotation close not removing correct annotation when showAnnotationsOnlyOnce 
 - [FIX] create tables on multisite
 - [FIX] create playlist from video statistics not working
 - [FIX] image ads not detect duration
 - [REMOVE] removed Youtube deprecated playback quality menu
 - [UPDATE] set poster for custom HTML
 - [UPDATE] ad_id can now be used with custom shortcode
 - [UPDATE] video statistics now working when no visible playlist is used 
 - [UPDATE] video statistics track video finish and download
 - [UPDATE] preloader visible before player loads
 - [UPDATE] if duration is used in playlist item thumbnail, duration is set after metadata if not available previously
 - [UPDATE] google analytics moved to callbacks
 - [UPDATE] redirect user to custom url on restricted videos 
 - [UPDATE] social sharing url for multiple players in page 
 - [ADD] support for shortcodes in annotations 
 - [ADD] sort videos by title in player
 - [ADD] display video percentage played in thumbnail
 - [ADD] option to show video poster on pause   
 - [ADD] option to hide player until playlist starts loading
 - [ADD] option to prevent Vimeo player from tracking session data, including cookies
 - [ADD] custom javascript section (add your own custom javascript to player)
 - [ADD] new skins and templates (grid and lists of thumbnails, separated playlists from player)
 - [ADD] option to show multiple playlists in page at once 
 - [ADD] thumbnail grid pagination 

VERSION 4.57 [22.5.2020]

 - [FIX] javascript to footer not working with multiple players in page
 - [FIX] duration not saved with image ads

VERSION 4.56 [21.4.2020]

 - [FIX] mvp_ad, mvp_annotation table doesnt exist during installation
 - [FIX] few other admin fixes

VERSION 4.55 [18.4.2020]

 - [UPDATE] restrict video view / download for specific user roles
 - [FIX] global per playlist video password not working

VERSION 4.5 [12.4.2020]

 - [FIX] mediaEndAction poster keeps duplicating posters
 - [FIX] seekbar wrong calculation
 - [FIX] duration field not saved for image ads
 - [FIX] "spaced" layout having next / previous playlist buttons in wrong position
 - [FIX] video preloader hidden when resume screen is shown (so its now seen behind transparent resume screen)
 - [FIX] IOS require double tap on unmute button if controls hidden
 - [ADD] option to set custom image loader
 - [REMOVE] option to disable adverts
 - [CHANGE] video poster is always shown (if exist) regardless of autoplay
 - [UPDATE] remember playback position now works with adverts (it remembers main video position, adverts are always played if exist) 
 - [UPDATE] lock video time is now available as global playlist option
 - [ADD] player custom classes
 - [UPDATE] support for unlimited number of ads before and after main video
 - [ADD] option to randomize ads
 - [ADD] option to show video duration in thumbnail and upnext
 - [FIX] up next thumbnail not showing correctly with random play
 - [ADD] up next / watched thumbnail over next and previous buttons
 - [ADD] coming next screen between videos (new mediaEndAction)
 - [ADD] related videos screen after video ends (new mediaEndAction). Show related videos from other playlists and load playlist on demand. 
 - [ADD] video play statistics with backend (count plays and time played), display statistics in frontend
 - [ADD] chapters menu list and button in controls to show chapter menu
 - [UPDATE] option to display video controls before video starts including chapter selector (requires video duration on self hosted video) 
 - [UPDATE] menu items bigger padding for better mobile usability
 - [ADD] display thumbnail list of playlists in frontend and on playlist select, load selected playlist in player
 - [ADD] player settings can now be passes with query string (parameters begins with "mvp-")
 - [ADD] create playlist from query string parameters 
 - [UPDATE] share specific video in playlist when used with social networking (direct link to video and current time)
 - [UPDATE] right click context menu update, share url to specific video in playlist
 - [UPDATE] option to provide multiple youtube api keys

VERSION 4.0 [1.3.2020]

 - [ADD] unmute button to unmute the video 
 - [ADD] optional search field in playlist
 - [UPDATE] use your own input search field for playlist items and specify dom selector 
 - [ADD] optional closed caption button in controls to toggle caption state
 - [UPDATE] autoplay in viewport multiple players like facebook
 - [ADD] open player in lightbox (with or without playlist)
 - [ADD] init player on dom selector click (and open specific video)
 - [ADD] optional button to close player minimize
 - [ADD] display collections from Vimeo (on demand), Vimeo user videos, Vimeo folders
 - [ADD] LIVE indicator in controls for live streams (auto or manual)
 - [ADD] option to disable seekbar to prevent skipping video
 - [ADD] only logged in users can download video (non logged in users are presented with login or register message)
 - [ADD] lock some videos, only logged in users can watch specific videos (or partial watch, for example first 15 seconds)
 - [ADD] callback beforeLoginScreen called before login screen opens 
 - [ADD] optional resume playback position prompt - ask user to continue watching where left off or start from the beginning
 - [FIX] parse vtt with multiline of text

VERSION 3.71 [16.2.2020]

 - [FIX] admin css tabs not working
 - [FIX] video quality change not working when Encrypt media paths is used

VERSION 3.71 [31.1.2020]

 - [UPDATE] cleaned double autoPlay setting (no more forceMutedAutoplay), autoPlay settings is now reponsible for muted autoplay

VERSION 3.71 [21.1.2020]

 - [UPDATE] player now retains layout in page while minimize on scroll 
 - [UPDATE] Google Analytics update
 - [UPDATE] new setting: combinePlayerRatio (boolean) keeps video ratio same when playlist is opened / closed in vlb, vrb layouts
 - [ADD] option to hide playlist on player minimize 
 - [ADD] restrict player width on minimize
 - [ADD] option to sort media loaded from folder
 - [ADD] set playback rate values
 - [ADD] load json playlist
 - [ADD] load any HTML into the player (ex. Facebook videos, Google maps etc..)

VERSION 3.56 [3.1.2020]

 - [ADD] option to activate the player when parent visible 
 - [UPDATE] retrieve media from database in ASC / DESC order

VERSION 3.55 [26.12.2019]

 - [ADD] video widget
 - [ADD] gutenberg block

VERSION 3.52 [5.12.2019]

 - [UPDATE] build multiple videos using shortcode

VERSION 3.51 [1.12.2019]

 - [FIX] duplicate player, playlist function jquery not defined

VERSION 3.51 [25.11.2019]

 - [FIX] hide player controls after image start with no duration, and after iframe shown in player

VERSION 3.51 [16.11.2019]

 - [UPDATE] toggle subtitle font size with keyboard controls (+/-)

VERSION 3.5 [16.11.2019]

 - [FIX] lightbox not opening when poster set
 - [FIX] truncate playlist description not working if playlist is closed on start
 - [UPDATE] updates to player resizing (player never larger than viewport)
 - [UPDATE] replace wordpress default video (html5, youtube, vimeo) 
 - [ADD] theater mode

VERSION 3.42 [4.11.2019]

 - [UPDATE] new import playlist / player option now works without LOAD DATA

VERSION 3.4 [24.10.2019]

 - [ADD] option to show poster after video end screen (self hosted, youtube, vimeo)
 - [ADD] option to skip poster 
 - [ADD] export / import player to csv (requires user FILE permission in database)

VERSION 3.3 [14.10.2019]

 - [ADD] new optional buttons in controls (rewind, skip backward, skip forward)
 - [ADD] new buttons in advert (volume, fullscreen)
 - [UPDATE] set default video quality on mobile
 - [ADD] more global playlist options (active subtitle, playback rate, start / end time)
 - [ADD] load more option for self hosted media
 - [ADD] option to choose Youtube and Vimeo thumbnail size
 - [ADD] audio visualizer as alternative to poster showing while audio plays
 - [ADD] image support
 - [FIX] Vimeo sort order

VERSION 3.15 [18.9.2019]

 - [UPDATE] Youtube api quota optimization

VERSION 3.1 [16.9.2019]

 - [UPDATE] admin updates

VERSION 3.01 [2.9.2019]

 - [UPDATE] small code improvements

VERSION 3.0 [28.8.2019]

 - [UPDATE] all new skins
 - [ADD] change css colors in backend 
 - [UPDATE] code improvements

VERSION 2.66 [.6.2019]

 - [ADD] caption font size breakpoints
 - [ADD] display captions over direct shortcode

VERSION 2.65 [14.6.2019]

 - [ADD] seek to chapter start option (when chapters are used) 
 - [UPDATE] improved mouse inactivity over player
 - [FIX] adverts not working with youtube, vimeo videos without data-noapi attribute
 - [ADD] option to set sticky video only if video is playing 

VERSION 2.61 [13.4.2019]

 - [FIX] click on playlist item cancels load more on total scroll

VERSION 2.6 [23.3.2019]

 - [FIX] fixed youtube single video list direct shortcode

VERSION 2.59 [15.3.2019]

 - [ADD] option to store playlist in browser to limit API requests for Youtube, Vimeo and other services

VERSION 2.58 [7.3.2019]

 - [FIX] small bug fixes (version number hasnt changed)

VERSION 2.58 [6.2.2019]

 - [ADD] support for Vimeo private unlisted videos
 - [UPDATE] improved embedding of multiple players in same page

VERSION 2.57 [27.1.2019]

 - [ADD] load Youtube channel by username, load Vimeo album by username

VERSION 2.56 [3.12.2018]

 - [ADD] set any frame as poster for self hosted video 
 - [UPDATE] some controls layout improvements

VERSION 2.55 [3.12.2018]

 - [ADD] picture in picture option 
 - [ADD] mpeg dash support
 - [ADD] new controls style
 - [ADD] chapter markers in seekbar for adverts
 - [UPDATE] small code improvements

VERSION 2.5 [20.11.2018]

 - [UPDATE] direction RTL compatibility
 - [ADD] hover preview for playlist thumbnails (gif)
 - [ADD] new player skins
 - [ADD] option to change any player icon with svg icons
 - [ADD] custom right click context menu
 - [ADD] option to show any playlists in page with shortcode so they can be loaded with api on runtime
 - [UPDATE] auto sort break points from low to high
 - [UPDATE] seekbar and time auto hide for Youtube live stream videos
 - [FIX] small bug fixes

VERSION 2.46 [18.10.2018]

 - [UPDATE] dynamic subtitle font size 
 - [UPDATE] option to encrypt media url directly in shortcode
 - [ADD] overwrite default wordpress mp4 video shortcode 

VERSION 2.45 [4.10.2018]

 - [ADD] new playlist positions (vertical left, horizontal top)
 - [ADD] new sharing sites (reddit, pinterest, digg, linkedin)
 - [ADD] optional published date in playlist items for Youtube and Vimeo (with title and description)
 - [FIX] wrong tooltip position in lightbox mode
 - [FIX] wrong grid gutter calculation

VERSION 2.42 [29.9.2018]

 - [FIX] first track not displayed in playlist with playlist_id shortcode
 - [FIX] having global playlist ads/annotations enabled (but not defined) prevented media ads/annotations to show
 - [FIX] having pre roll advert preventing annotations to show on main media

VERSION 2.41 [27.9.2018]

 - [ADD] Player quick demo importer with shortcodes

VERSION 2.4 [26.9.2018]

 - [ADD] AdSense support in player 
 - [ADD] automatically generate Vimeo download links
 - [ADD] export / import playlist to csv (requires user FILE priviledge in database)
 - [ADD] load playlists based on post categories and tags (taxonomy)
 - [ADD] password protected content (global per playlist or individual)
 - [ADD] Auxiliary shortcodes for creating players and playlists on the fly
 - [ADD] added Player API methods and Events section in admin
 - [ADD] custom annotation positions and margins over player, default annotation inactive opacity and close button positions
 - [ADD] option to minimize player to page bottom on scroll (limited to one player in page)
 - [ADD] option to copy & move tracks between playlists and filter tracks in playlist admin
 - [ADD] active item and timestamp parameters in url
 - [ADD] option to enable/disable adverts/annotations individually
 - [ADD] optional poster image for Youtube and Vimeo
 - [ADD] option to display poster image on mobile to preserve bandwidth
 - [ADD] WhatsApp share button
 - [UPDATE] added optional scrollbar for description and embed area instead of browser default one
 - [UPDATE] improved iframe loading in annotations
 - [FIX] small bug fixes in frontend and backend

VERSION 1.78 [16.8.2018]

 - [FIX] media order in playlist not saving after sort
 - [ADD] option to set image alt text
 - [UPDATE] improved subtitle styling

VERSION 1.77 [6.8.2018]

 - [ADD] Google Analytics tracking
 - [ADD] option to swipe the video

VERSION 1.76 [2.8.2018]

 - [CHANGE] new controls style
 - [UPDATE] improved vimeo playback (vimeo playlist can now contain both default and chromeless videos)

VERSION 1.75 [23.7.2018]

 - [UPDATE] improved chapters on mobile
 - [ADD] CSS shadow effects on player
 - [ADD] option to remember playback position on page reload
 - [ADD] new ad events to track ads (callbacks)
 - [FIX] mouse wheel on button navigation

VERSION 1.72 [19.7.2018]

 - [ADD] added sort and sort direction options for Youtube/Vimeo playlists
 - [FIX] chapters not working on Android
 - [FIX] big play button appearing over Vimeo default player

VERSION 1.71 [17.7.2018]

 - [ADD] new horizontal bottom button navigation with spaced layout between thumbnails (
 - [FIX] some bug fixes from version 1.7

VERSION 1.7 [15.7.2018]

 - [ADD] conditional script loading (improves usability and performance)
 - [ADD] pre roll, mid roll, end roll adverts, individual per video / global per playlist (adverts can be self hosted videos, audio, images, youtube single video, vimeo single video)
 - [ADD] on screen popup annotations, individual per video / global per playlist (show/hide HTML elements on screen during playback)
 - [ADD] optional custom html content in playlist items 
 - [ADD] vimeo chromeless player 
 - [ADD] video redirect feature (on video end go to url)
 - [FIX] some issues with 360 playback
 - [FIX] video start time
 - [CHANGE] loadMoreOnTotalScroll moved from settings to data-load-more attribute on playlist item
 - [UPDATE] elements visibility (hide subtitles, annotations, upnext on mobile)
 - [UPDATE] overall code improvements
 - [ADD] optional place javascript in footer
 - [UPDATE] same player can now be reused in same page unlimited times

VERSION 1.37 [19.6.2018]

 - [FIX] Call to undefined function pag_isNullOrEmpty

VERSION 1.37 [14.6.2018]

 - [ADD] added video chapters option
 - [ADD] protected media and video urls (url encryption)

VERSION 1.36 [11.6.2018]

 - [ADD] HLS Live Streaming with Multiple Audio Tracks and Subtitles support 
 - [ADD] optional up next video feature
 - [ADD] new transparent controls layout
 - [ADD] optional no controls (for use as video background)
 - [ADD] option to hide certain buttons on mobile 
 - [FIX] remember playback rate speed on quality change
 - [FIX] playback quality change for youtube reloading video instead of quality 

VERSION 1.35 [3.6.2018]

    Note: this update will delete all current players in Player manager because of compatibility (playlist data remains saved)
 - [ADD] Youtube playback option without cookies
 - [FIX] navigation type buttons sometimes showing with no more items to load on load more option
 - [ADD] New 100% window size layouts
 - [ADD] general player sizing options
 - [ADD] optional grid calculations for playlistPosition outer (grid, wall layouts)
 - [ADD] optional thumbnail preview when seeking video (requires sprite of images for each video + vtt) 
 - [UPDATE] updates to lightbox layouts
 - [ADD] admin option to duplicate player and playlist
 - [ADD] optional playlist selector above the player (list or select option) with chosen playlists

VERSION 1.31 [14.5.2018]

 - [UPDATE] update for Chrome autoplay

VERSION 1.3 [6.5.2018]

 - [ADD] new option to autoplay videos after first video has been manually started
 - [ADD] new option to start playing video when player is visible on the page
 - [ADD] option to have youtube default player controls
 - [FIX] some bug fixes and code improvements

UPDATE 1.27 [25.4.2018]

 - [ADD] now you can set player ratio for video area (for example 4/3, 16/9 etc..) 
 - [ADD] ability to show / hide Load more button for Playlist style Outer or Wall
 - [UPDATE] load more button is now automatically removed when there is no more data to load  
 - [FIX] video not resizing if autoplay is false and poster was used   
 - [FIX] lightbox mode fullscreen 

UPDATE 1.25 [21.4.2018]

 - [UPDATE] new grid wall layout option with player as ligthbox

UPDATE 1.2 [9.4.2018]

 - [UPDATE] new playlist scroll options (buttons and hover)
 - [UPDATE] new admin details
 - [ADD] option to load more on total scroll in playlist (for Youtube and Vimeo videos)
 - [FIX] few bug fixes

UPDATE 1.0 [21.03.2018]

 - [FIX] few bug fixes

UPDATE 1.0 [20.03.2018]

 - [UPDATE] map.css share classes (facebook, twitter...)

VERSION 1.0 [11.03.2018]

 - first release