Gallery is completely written in pure javascript which means it will run fast in your website and will not interfere with other scripts.
Gallery will addapt to any screen size and any device, wheater you are watching video on your desktop browser or on your mobile phone. Optional CSS snap layout provides unique experience for mobile users.
Plugin is packed with a huge amount of features and customization options from different layouts, skins, color customization, social sharing, slide adjustments.. and much more
Display video and audio files in the reel for best user expereince. Plugin supports HTML video and audio files from any sources which are directly playable in the browser (public video links like Amazon, Dropbox, Google Drive etc..)
Display images in reel as plain image gallery. Optional provide caption to each image.
Display Youtube single videos, playlists and channels with out without shorts. Plugin will automatically retrieve video thumbnails, title and description from Youtube using API services. Its also possible to use Youtube Single videos without API and without requiring any Youtube quota.
Display Vimeo single videos, albums / showcases, channels, folders, groups, ondemand content. Plugin will automatically retrieve video thumbnails, title and description from Vimeo using API services. Its also possible to use Vimeo Single videos without API usage connection.
Create reel out of mixed content sources. Reel can contain video, audio and image content.
Display folder or videos directly in the reel. Plugin can read folder of video, audio or image files and auto create reel out of it.
Reel can contain either portrait vertical or landscape thumbnails in any aspect ratio.
Auto scroll functionality enables to auto advance through videos in the reel, so they can be watched in sequence.
Regardless of what video type you use, plugin will optimize loading of assets as they became visible in viewport. Gallery will continue loading as user scrolls down the page.
CSS Snap layout provides automatic scroll to next item in row with mouse wheel or swipe action on touch enabled devices.
Reel supports additional videos or images per item, which are visible on horizontal scroll.
Create custom buttons in Reel items icon list and More menu or player controls and link them to any url.
Multiple Reel styles available enable different look and feel of the layout and controls.
Choose what buttons or elements you want to use in the reel items (volume, autoscroll, seekbar, video time..)
Icons used in the Reel are SVG and you can replace them with your own from Font Awesome or similar.
Navigate through reel using optional keyboard controls.
Automatically translate reel into many provided langauges.
Social sharing (both native and custom) enables you to share a Reel item directly.
Rell can be used on its own but can also utilize playlists from Modern Video Player. Just link playlist you have already created in Modern Video Player with shortcode and it will be automatically displayed in Reel.
Multiple instances of reel are allowed on the same and both can utilize load more methods on its own to speed up page loading and improve user experince.
Reel included API methods and Event callbacks enable developers to expands Reel functionality even more.
Global settings
Reel settings
Reel settings 2
Reel settings 3
Custom buttons
Social sharing
Video manager