VERSION 6.2 [29.9.2024]
- [UPDATE] option to show only Youtube shorts
VERSION 6.1 [30.5.2024]
- [UPDATE] youtube api improvements - [UPDATE] option to convert video description url to links
VERSION 6.06 [11.3.2024]
- [UPDATE] youtube api improvements
UPDATE 6.05 [27.2.2024]
- [FIX] social share window opening twice - [FIX] use live preview active when scale on hover set to yes
UPDATE 6.01 [17.12.2023]
- [UPDATE] allow settings default language for subtitles on start
UPDATE 6.0 [29.10.2023]
- [FIX] social share - [FIX] autoplay next video in lightbox, reload video info - [UPDATE] disable css hover styles for mobile - [UPDATE] video when advanced to next now preserves volume - [UPDATE] option to change icons - [UPDATE] converted to javascript (no jquery dependencies) - [UPDATE] option to show video info and comments under player layouts like in lightbox - [UPDATE] lightbox previous, next video and close button moved above video so they are always visible on smaller screens - [UPDATE] some SEO improvements - [ADD] option to set volume - [ADD] link to Youtube comment so user can reply - [ADD] option to autoplay in viewport for player layouts - [ADD] timestamp video option (choose video start and end time) - [ADD] option to restrict some videos in the gallery for an opt-in subscription - [ADD] option to exclude some videos from the gallery (hide them) - [ADD] option to exclude shorts from showing - [ADD] option for scroll top button to player - [ADD] standalone grid layout option (style thumbnails layout with your own css) - [ADD] Playlist shelf layout (show user playlists in page and then open playlist videos on lightbox)
UPDATE 4.12 [3.11.2022]
- [FIX] if live preview was used with display video inline, there would be conflicts - [ADD] optional info button in thumbnail to open full video description
UPDATE 4.1 [30.10.2022]
- [FIX] custom description not showing if set - [FIX] scale on hover direction not correct in some instances - [UPDATE] more improvement on youtube quota for multiple keys - [ADD] demo with multiple galleries in page
UPDATE 4 [25.10.2022]
- [FIX] Youtube muted autoplay not working - [UPDATE] Facebook share no longer requires api key - [UPDATE] Youtube auto subscribe button - [UPDATE] html code moved inside javascript file - [UPDATE] added more sharing networks - [UPDATE] dotdot replaced with elipsis - [UPDATE] add new options for showing / hiding elements in gallery - [ADD] option for custom player skin (no Youtube controls) - [ADD] scale video on hover effect (in combination with video autoplay preview) - [ADD] retrieve video title and description in your localized language
UPDATE 3.2 [10.1.2022]
- [FIX] youtube live preview not playing - [ADD] new gallery layouts (player with playlist right and bottom of the player) - [ADD] option to auto advance to next video in player layout - [ADD] new thumbnail style (description right of thumbnail) - [ADD] option to choose between css transitions and jquery animate
UPDATE 3.01 [30.12.2021]
- [UPDATE] remove youtube deprecated dislike ratio
UPDATE 3.0 [15.7.2021]
- [ADD] WhatsApp share - [UPDATE] improved Youtube quota management - [UPDATE] set custom logo, banner image, title and description for your channel - [ADD] option to play youtube video on hover
UPDATE 2.65 [15.3.2021]
- [FIX] youtube api quota backup
UPDATE 2.61 [12.11.2020]
- [UPDATE] remove Youtube deprecated channel image
UPDATE 2.6 [11.7.2020]
- [ADD] prevent Vimeo player from tracking session data, including cookies
UPDATE 2.59 [11.6.2020]
- [ADD] option to choose Youtube and Vimeo thumbnail size
UPDATE 2.58 [8.6.2020]
- [FIX] vimeo download video not working
UPDATE 2.55 [26.2.2020]
- [ADD] display videos from Vimeo folders
UPDATE 2.5 [9.2.2020]
- [UPDATE] css improvements - [ADD] Youtube channel sort videos option - [ADD] Vimeo user feed - [ADD] Search Youtube and Vimeo videos - [ADD] search field in gallery (search Youtube channel, Vimeo album, channel, groups, user feeds)
UPDATE 2.4 [5.2.2020]
- [UPDATE] display collections from Vimeo
UPDATE 2.35 [15.1.2020]
- [UPDATE] option to filter embeddable and non embeddable videos from vimeo
UPDATE 2.31 [27.12.2019]
- [UPDATE] video autoplay with sound for lightbox
UPDATE 2.3 [13.12.2019]
- [UPDATE] choose all gallery elements with settings - [UPDATE] translation - [ADD] set custom header image, logo, title, description - [ADD] option to leave header data and load just new video grid with playlist selector
UPDATE 2.01 [8.11.2019]
- [FIX] gallery preloader color
UPDATE 2.0 [10.9.2019]
- [ADD] lightbox video autoplay (muted) - [UPDATE] header reload is now automatic, no more user exposed
UPDATE 1.65 [21.3.2019]
- [FIX] fixed click on some thumbnails not working after grid resize - [ADD] option to store playlist in browser to limit API requests for Youtube and Vimeo - [UPDATE] some layout changes
UPDATE 1.55 [8.1.2019]
- [ADD] auto set high quality image thumbnails and swap on resize
UPDATE 1.51 [24.12.2018]
- [ADD] internal script loading (improves performance)
UPDATE 1.5 [20.12.2018]
- [ADD] new header sytle layouts for Youtube channel, Vimeo channel or group - [ADD] option to load Youtube channel by username - [ADD] option to reload header and description for Youtube channel, or Vimeo channel / group on runtime - [ADD] option to search Youtube or Vimeo videos - [UPDATE] playlist selector incorporated into the grid - [ADD] option to load Youtube and Vimeo into the same gallery - [ADD] option to download Vimeo videos
UPDATE 1.22 [21.11.2018]
- [UPDATE] option to retrieve better quality thumbnails from Vimeo
UPDATE 1.21 [28.10.2018]
- [FIX] lightbox inadvertently closes on first open after load new playlist - [UPDATE] auto sort break points from low to high
UPDATE 1.2 [27.9.2018]
- [UPDATE] small code improvements
UPDATE 1.15 [28.7.2018]
- [UPDATE] option to play video inline in thumb (with or without controls)
UPDATE 1.10 [17.7.2018]
- [UPDATE] some code improvements
UPDATE 1.08 [29.06.2018]
- [FIX] lightbox not opening again when comment count is zero
UPDATE 1.07 [21.05.2018]
- [FIX] bug with youtube channel not retrieving only video type
UPDATE 1.06 [21.05.2018]
- [ADD] added demo with multiple galleries in the same page
UPDATE 1.05 [16.05.2018]
- [UPDATE] some new settings (navigation details, show video details, show comments...) - [ADD] playlist selector demo (load new grid on runtime)
VERSION 1.0 [11.05.2018]
- first release