Video Player Lite Elementor plugin

Updates / Changelog

VERSION 2.29 [5.1.2025]

 - [UPDATE] Elementor latest compatibility

VERSION 2.2 [24.10.2024]

 - [UPDATE] Elementor latest compatibility

VERSION 2.14 [20.10.2024]

 - [FIX] read WEBVTT preview which contains line numbers

VERSION 2.1 [25.6.2024]

 - [DEPRECATED] youtube aspect ratio

VERSION 2.07 [22.6.2024]

 - [FIX] vimeo player

VERSION 2.06 [27.11.2023]

 - [FIX] swipe action not working

VERSION 2.05 [2.11.2023]

 - [UPDATE] autoplay in viewport only loads video poster on page load 

VERSION 2.01 [29.7.2023]

 - [UPDATE] display video subtitles in iPhone native fullscreen

VERSION 2.0 [14.5.2023]


 - [FIX] image with duration not working
 - [FIX] using keyboard controls scroling page (space, page up / down)
 - [FIX] show poster on pause if autoplay is true

 - [UPDATE] converted player to javascript only (no jquery dependencies)
 - [UPDATE] SEO and semantics improvements 
 - [UPDATE] remove Youtube deprecated quality menu  
 - [UPDATE] choose swipe action + swipe tolerance 
 - [UPDATE] option to auto advance to next video on error
 - [UPDATE] tooltip visible while seeking video on mobile
 - [UPDATE] CSS hover and container query
 - [ADD] minimize option to top left / right 
 - [ADD] minimize on scroll close button

VERSION 1.20 [23.1.2023]

 - [UPDATE] new Elementor compatibility

VERSION 1.15 [13.11.2022]

 - [UPDATE] whatsApp share
 - [UPDATE] add some dynamic tags for Elementor Pro

VERSION 1.1 [29.10.2022]

 - [UPDATE] dont require video quality when adding video to player

VERSION 1.0 [7.3.2022]

 - first release